We have grown up with the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' but in this case I think we can.

Inside is years of wisdom from Kay flowing from one page to the next.
The title itself is something that really struck me. It completely causes you to think of the blessing it is to be a pastor's wife. At times it is difficult to look at it like that-sadly, at times I looked at it as a burden, one more thing I have probably failed at and not lived up to people's expectations of me. Too often it's easy to look at the negative part of it and not remember that it really is a privilege. It really is a privilege to be able to be used by God in such a way.
I am not finished reading this but what I have read has made such an impact in my thinking. Kay has a special gift of exhorting with love, not mincing words and really challenging us to live up to the calling God has for us. You just can't skim through the chapters, finish the book and then put it neatly back on your shelf. Well, I suppose you could, but then you would be missing out on so much. For me, it is good to be challenged. To have someone say, "Listen, you need to be doing this and that" is good for me! Kay's words don't leave you feeling condemned-convicted at times in certain areas, encouraged that someone understands the hurts and discouragement you have gone through, but always with the exhortation to look at it from the Word of God.
I really encourage you to get this book if you don't have it already. It's not just for pastor's wives but, as it says on the back of the book, "If you are a pastor's wife, mother, Sunday School teacher or ministry leader" get this book and let the Lord speak to your heart through it. I believe it will be so beneficial. There are so many gold nuggets in this book and I am only half way through.
A little snippit-At times, we find ourselves standing in a field we didn't choose for ourselves, tending to a task we never wanted. But when the call to that field-and the sheep it contains-comes from God Himself, then you've just been given a privilege. (this is from the back cover)
For many of us, our husbands weren't pastors when we married them and their call impacted our lives -but God knew all along and He has promised to equip the called. He will equip us for every work He puts in front of us. Don't be afraid of what or where God may be calling you or has already called you. Let Him pour into you so that you are able to pour in to others. Look to Him-let Him be your motivation, the One you desire to please. There is much freedom in that!
If you have listened to Kay's teachings before, you will truly feel like she is right there on the couch with you telling you these things. I often find myself smiling as I read certain portions because I can hear her voice and the way she would be saying it.
I thank God that He has given me this privilege!

1 comment:
Margie -
I'm reading her book right now too and my heart echoes your thoughts. I love "mama Kay"!!!
Serving Jesus, in any capacity is a privilege. Of course, the world doesn't see it that way. For them, the privileged are those who rise to the top; who have no need; who are served by others.
But, as I was reading this morning in Mark, "If we want to be great in God's Kingdom, we must be the servant of all". May we be women who are faithful to this call. :)
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