We have been so busy in the past few months. We went to L'Aquila to help with the earthquake area, came back for a couple days and Jim left for Switzerland for a 10 day outreach with some of the bible college students. After that, Pastor Rob came to town with Danny and the three of them went to Hungary for a couple days, back to Italy for a day and then off to Austria where Rob was speaking for Speakers Week. Denise and Amy arrived in Venice midweek and we all went to Austria for a couple days.
It was a great blessing having Rob and Denise here-it's always fun to be in the states and see and talk to everyone but we can have more one on one time when people are here visiting and not as many distractions. It was great hanging out, walking around Padova and sharing our new city with them. I am hoping it will be an annual trip from now on!! Amazing things are going to happen here...I just know it! It was neat too because we got to enjoy Amy's company so it was fun to have a youngster in the house again!!
The Salvatos left and I started my whirlwind of changing sheets, linens, etc to get the room ready for the Engs! Yep, a couple days later Greg and Brenda came over. They had a great visit too-Greg was in his glory looking at all the sites and all the architecture over here. We were blessed with the goodies they brought over too....corn tortillas!! Yeah!!
A few days later, our daughter and her boyfriend arrived. Rosalyn and Matt were here a little over a week. Jim got to meet Matt for the first time....he gave him a thumbs up !! We had a fun visit with them. Of course it never lasts long enough but I am sure they will be back!
So, now you know where I have been...busy with friends and family, but enjoying every moment of it! We have a few weeks before our next visitors arrive. Jeff and Karen Stewart are coming at the end of the month for 10 days. Yeah!!
Oh, I have to say, I got one of the greatest surprise gifts....an Ipod Touch. Christina (daughter of a friend of mine) came over and she left it here. I thought she forgot it and she said she left it for me! Well, I never understood all the commotion about these things until I started to play with it. Oh my, I love it!! I can put my family pictures on it and show everyone! Thing is now with digital cameras we don't put pictures in our wallets anymore..atleast I haven't been. When people ask to see our kids and our beautiful little granddaughter I have no pictures to show them. With this, I can put the pics on it and voila! Then there is the music aspect. I love it!! I have been pain stakeingly (is that a word?) transferring music from my cd's to my ipod. Wow-what a chore. I get a bit tired from it actually! Then, there's the whole thing about ordering music. Wow, just wow!! Too much to choose and once you buy one song it has the credit card number and you just hit "buy" Well, had to stop after buying 5 songs even though they are 99 cents I still have to be careful! I have found some new music and love love love the songs. I will try to You tube you up later this week with some of the songs I purchased.
I was listening to some of the music yesterday and started to think about in the book of John when it talks about how people went back and didn't follow Jesus anymore. Jesus asked the disciples if they would go away also and Peter said Lord, where would we go? You have the words of eternal life. (Jn 6:66-68) I just sat here thinking-really, where would we go Lord? Sometimes things can be frustrating. I mean we can be honest...even ministry is frustrating at times. Situations, hardships, etc. There were times I just wanted to "get out" I found myself listening to some words of songs about God's grace and that interaction between Jesus and Peter came to my mind. Where would we go Lord? There is no where on this earth I would want to be that is apart from Him. Nowhere out of His perfect will, no matter the sacrifice or hardship. I cannot imagine my life without my Savior, my King! All He has done for me and has planned for me. What could ever compare? NOTHING!!
Oh, praise Him for His goodness! Amen!!
here are some pics of when Rob and Denise came to visit-
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing these photos---it is so beautiful there! Dave is get soft---he's actually said a trip to northern Italy would be fun!! We'll have to get a sign to post outside your house "Stewarts Villa" since you are so hospitable to everyone who comes your way. Miss you!
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