What a whirlwind of a week! My body is so confused as to where I am and somedays I even think it wonders who it is! I fall asleep around 2 or 3 am and wake up sometimes at 10am, 2pm, or even 3pm! Yikes! What is up with this jetlag! I decided not to fight it anymore and just let it happen. At my age you can't allow to much shock to your body because it has a mind of its own and get confused very easily.
It's so good to be back in Italy. This past weekend we had a couple girls from the bible college stay with us. We went to the market in Padova on Saturday. I even made myself get out of bed at 8:30am for that! The secret must be to tell yourself you are going shopping and your body will automatically make the necesarry adjustments. Until of course you tell it that you are only looking and not buying.....we keep that a secret til we get to the marketplace :) While we were there I was once again surrounded by Italians and all the people talking, yelling, etc. It was wonderful! I realized then that I was home where I am supposed to be. I fell in love with the place all over again and had such a strong sense in my heart of where I belong. The language sounded great and I can't wait to tackle it and speak it fluently. I told Jim that I want us to be so natural in Italian that we just speak it at home. Ha ha.....I wonder if that will ever really happen!
I do miss my family and all my friends in the states. My trip home was so good and the Lord really blessed me in many ways. I cherish the time I was able to be there. I do miss the wonderful conversations and the encouragement. Sometimes I have to sit back and get amazed that I have been blessed by God with the true friends I have. That is something I have been thinking about for the past week. I feel like the most blessed gal in the world sometimes!
My granddaughter is a jewel. There is noone sweeter than our Miss Juliet. Her personality is terrific and she is so easy going! I can't wait to see her again!
Well, I have so much I want to write today but not enough time. Jim is on his way to Baja to meet with the leaders in the church so keep his travels in prayer! The weather is good Praise God for that!
Well, I have so much I want to write today but not enough time. Jim is on his way to Baja to meet with the leaders in the church so keep his travels in prayer! The weather is good Praise God for that!
til we meet again............
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