Sometimes you just go through rough patches. Things beyond your control. In the midst of the glee and laughter of the season comes those times of sadness, even heartache. I know so many friends that are going through a really rough season right now. Whether it is financial, health or knowing they are far away from family at Christmas, whatever it is, they are aching inside. Some are wondering what is in store for them in the coming year, others are joyfully and sacrificially giving out to others even though they have very little to give to their own family.
I think it is even harder as a Christian when you go through these difficult times because we tend to start to feel guilty for feelings and emotions that arise. On one hand, we know that it rains on the just and unjust yet we are to have faith. Faith that God will see us through whatever we are going through. We are reminded that God takes care of the birds of the air and all the more will He meet our every need, and many times our wants. But there are those moments when we find ourselves lacking faith and then feel like we blew it because we 'went there'. We went to that place in our minds that asks all the questions....why, what if, how come now, etc.
With that, I listened to a new song today and decided to use this one rather than one from my list.
It is by Chris Tomlin and the song is Adore. You can listen to it here:
I love that about the Lord. He knows His children so well. He knows what each of us needs to hear and is ever so faithful to whisper to our hearts-'do this, read that, call her, and so on. That still small voice that is our God. That loving and gracious Father who doesn't chastise us when we have those moments-rather He tenderly grasps our chin and lifts our head so that we can focus on what is rather than succumb to despair, guilt and shame.
I love worship music and how it lifts my soul. It takes me from where I may be in my current state of mind and puts my focus back on the Lord. That is why I like this song so much. Adore Him.
Tune out everything else that is occupying your mind right now. Listen to this song and adore your Savior. Your circumstance may not change, but your focus will no longer be or those things occupying your mind. Your heart will be full because you have taken time out to adore the One who adores you so very much. Go to your room, a quiet place if possible and just play the song (repeat if necessary :) ) I put it on auto replay!
I made this printable to go with today's song (yesterday's also) so just click on them if you want to save and print out to put in a frame.
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