Friday, March 6, 2015

Update/Prayer Requests

Dear Friends,
Sorry it has been awhile since writing with news about life here in Padova.  It’s been a strange winter for us with both Jim and I going back and forth getting sick.  I was ill in January and then Jim returned from a Pastor’s conference in Austria with a fever and sickness.  Shortly after, I started feeling poorly myself once again and it has now turned into bronchitis.  Thankfully today seems to be less coughing and my nose and I are friends once again Smile :)

Our new church building is great!  We are so blessed and the location of it couldn’t be better.  We are in the area where many university students live and hang out.  There is great opportunity for using our building to reach out and invite them to come join us.  Jim is busy trying to set the kitchen up and once that happens we are going to have a night where we make food and invite the students to come hang out and chat with us.  We know Jesus loved sharing meals with people and it is especially a good way to reach the young ones who miss Mom’s cooking! 

We have had a couple new people come to the church.  It’s been a neat blessing to have them with us.  One of the guys is from the base in Vicenza.  He showed up one Sunday asking ‘Is this church?’  Sure is buddy!!!  He was excited to have found us and we were thankful he made the 45 minute drive!  Another guy, Franco, is a fairly new believer but so on fire for Jesus.  He went with Jim to the leadership conference in Austria and has such a desire for the things of the Lord.  He has a real servant’s heart and is always there to help Jim.  He has been out of work for a long time and just the other week found a part-time job!  Such a praise and blessing for him and his wife.  Please pray for Joseph, a guy from Nigeria, to also find some work. 

Jim sharing music at the English Club Carnevale Celebration in Padova

We are praying about English conversation classes in the building since so many students learn English in most of the European countries.  I am also praying about having a class for elementary children.  This would also help with meeting parents and perhaps having another VBS this summer.  We are within walking distance of the park so the location is perfect for VBS.  Also, English film night and a worship night.  These are just a few ways we have been wanting to reach out.  Pray that God would give us wisdom as to how to move forward.

Jim has been teaching through Romans on Sundays and it has been such a blessed time in the Word.  God is using the study to remind us the foundations our faith is built upon.  Since we have new believers God has led Jim to parallel the OT teachings and it’s been just wonderful.  Franco is going to record the Italian part so that we can put the teachings on the website.  We pray that God will use this as a way to bring more people to know Him and join the fellowship.
We are now praying about Easter service and the best way to reach out to the community.  We are praying to be able to put together a worship band and perhaps have the service outside like we did last year.  If the kitchen is finished we will invite everyone to join us for Easter lunch at the church-if not, perhaps at the park or our home.  Our dear friends Doug and Rose will be heading this way for our annual visit.  It's always a wonderful time of fellowship and refreshment.  Please keep them in prayer as this year they will be flying first to Nigeria for the 10 year anniversary of the church plant they were a part of from the beginning.  

Bought 3 sign enclosures to put up so everyone can see what is happening at the church :)

We will be having some students from different bible colleges come to help out a bit this Spring.  We are praying they will be able to share the love of Jesus with those in the area We look forward to seeing how the Lord is going to use them in Padova!

I am going to be helping with a retreat in Portugal this coming May.  My friend Laura is the pastor’s wife there and the Lord has provided an incredible retreat center for them overlooking the beautiful ocean.  Laura had it on her heart to start a When Leaders Lead In Europe Retreat and I am blessed to be helping her with the event.  Our teachings this year are taken from Romans 12:9-13  We will have pastor’s wives and leaders throughout Europe teaching and also attending.  Please pray that all those desiring to attend would have the finances for the airfare-including me.  If it’s something you would like to help out with, please email and let me know.

On a personal note, I would like to ask for prayer as I have some doctor appointments and tests that need to be done.  I have had to put them off because of being ill but hopefully next week I can get started on them.  A couple of tests are a  bit concerning and nerve wracking so please pray I would just have peace and not be anxious while awaiting the results. Also, I know this may sound silly, but would you pray God would provide for us to get our teeth worked on.  I have had 2 teeth break this last month.  I need quite a few teeth replaced and probably implants.  Jim is also cracking his teeth and needs some implant work.  We found a place to go here in Padova that has a good reputation but dental is not covered under the National Insurance here. 
As always, we thank you with sincere hearts for  your prayers, your friendship and your support.  We are in this together-we just happen to be the ones on this soil.  We are so appreciative for each of you and the part you take in partnering with us and CC Padova. 

Until He Appears!
Jim and Margie

If you would like to be a part of supporting us financially there are a couple ways you can do so:

Send a check to with a memo stating it's for Jim Stewart CC Padova to:
Calvary Chapel Vista
885 E Vista Way
Vista, CA 92084

OR you can give via online donations at either of the two websites.  Just be sure to scroll to designate for Missions/Jim Stewart
Go to 


All donations are tax deductible


Unknown said...

Will be praying for your health and for the tests. Good to hear of the great work you guys are doing. Good to see Jim is still doing music and cooking : )
Blessings to you both,
Mike and Lori

Rachel said...

This is so exciting! I pray for health all around and salvation and growth in the lives of those in your community. :)