Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just a few more days

Yep, we are scheduled to move in just a few days *key work being "scheduled"
It's been quite a trying time to get a truck to move us that is big enough and can actually go to Italy. Most don't have international insurance, don't take credit cards, etc. It's so weird that places still don't take credit in Europe. The truck should be here Tuesday and we will head out in the evening and be in Italy Wed morning. Jim still has to come back here to Hungary for a couple days to wrap things up and I will just stay in Padova and begin the unloading task!
On a good note, the utilities are in place. We thought that was going to be a nightmare trying to set those up but it turns out the Lord was very gracious to us and all we need to do is go to the gas company to get the gas turned on. Hopefully it will be a quick procedure!

Jim had to go last week and sign all the documents for our new flat in Italy. By now, you faithful blog readers should know what I am about to write next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes,,,,,,,,,you guessed correctly! I get a text message from Jim...."please pray the car isn't working". Apparently it was a belt or something like that. Whatever it was it cost about 200 euros! Yeah, that was money that was just burning a hole in our pocket and we had wondered how we could get rid of it LOL!
Now, we are looking to replace a bearing. Do I know what a bearing is? Of course not, but this I needs replacing and we can't make the trip without it.

I find it amusing to hear things like "Wow, how lucky you "get" to move to Italy. Yep, that's right folks....we "get" to move to Italy LOL..I suppose it is better than getting to live in the uttermost parts of the world where starvation and depravation are. Location wise, it is awesome! There is a world of beauty in Italy and the country has so much history and beauty in it. However, there is a spiritual battle going on! This is huge. From the moment we said Yes, we will go, there has been one problem after another with our car, with other things, and we know that these things happen in life, but we also know that spiritually speaking, we are being tested big time. God is so faithful though and He has seen us through each battle as it arises. It's almost like I just expect things to happen now. Praise the Lord that all things are in His control and He already knows how things will work out before we do!
It's harder than you know to be away from our children, grandbaby, our parents, friends.
We know the promises of God and trust in each one of them, but some days I just ache! It's a time in my life I thought that we would be living in our own home, enjoying our grandchildren, etc. I am not complaining here-just having one of those days as our girls and son-in-law are all getting together at Grandma's today to celebrate their birthdays! But, as challenging as some days are, I can honestly say I would dwell in a tent and be in God's will than live in a beautiful home outside of His will!
Here's a song I like by Barlow Girl- I really like the words to the song.


Anonymous said...

Wow! So, did you move yet? I hope all is well!! I am praying for you :)! ~Jess

Amber Lea said...

thats exciting about the move, i will be praying and hope that the car gets fixed and stay fixed. I miss you guys so much, and you guys bless me so much. LOVE you both!

Anonymous said...

A new adventure! Now that you are in Italy one thing is sure, your car cannot break down on the way there from Hungary!! I am excited you are settling in and have found favor with all the "practical" stuff. Thank you for reminding us of the spiritual battle there amidst the beautiful country side. I remember when the Browns went to Scotland---the same situation! Drop me a line when you're able. love ya, Yvonne