Ha ha, so you thought I was already living in Italy, sitting back on my terrazo and eating some sort of rich in calorie, highly delectable, Italian cuisine. Well, guess again!
I can only be reminded over and over again that the Lord says My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways, not your ways! He has a plan and sometimes it's just a tad different than mine. (ok well a lot of times)
We ran into problems with the truck company that would have been overseeing all the care of our household goods-(I am thinking of writing a book entitled My Life In A Truck) LOL
Well, one thing led to another and we ended up having to find someone else at the midnight hour. (not literally) :)
It turned out to be an amazing blessing because our neighbor found one for us and it was cheaper than the original guy we planned to go with. He will also deliver it in less time than the other guy. That's what we like to hear!
God so blessed us this past week in amazing ways! He does know our breaking points and always proves Himself faithful. The girls and I had just been talking about how we have faith for everyone else's situations, but when it comes to our own, it's difficult to believe. Once more, God has proven above and beyond what we could think or ask! We are humbled by His love! We are thankful for those He uses!
So, dear friends please pray as we leave this am for our journey and hope to make it to Montebelluna in time for new student orientation. If you haven't checked out the CCBC Italy site-go to the right and click on the link. There is quite the handsome photo there too :)
Thank you for your prayers and as soon as we have internet I will try and post some photos.
May the Lord richly bless your day!
CIAO! or should I say "Gelato"!!!